Monday, April 26, 2010

Planetsuzy Karupspc Jessica

Puente Alto pray for the spiritual reconstruction moral and material Chile

On Saturday April 24 was held at the Pentecostal Methodist Church of High Bridge special service of prayer for moral and spiritual reconstruction of Chile, which was organized by the Board of Pastors of the Cordillera Province and the Pastoral Unit.
At 9 am was the start of this special meeting, which was attended prayers led by the pastors of the Cordillera Province.
Pastor was how each had the opportunity to pray for the various shortcomings that remain in our country after the earthquake and also for every person, both spiritually and morally, and that evangelical churches are convinced that the last Events since February 27 have been because our country has offended our Lord Jesus Christ by doing the opposite of provisions left us his holy Gospel.
After praying for each of the areas that make our country gave way to a service with officials of the Cordillera Province in order to express the feelings of the people of the Gospel against this catastrophe. For an hour the service was making it clear that Chile needs Christ, it is important to recall the good, good and bad, bad, and that they as individuals also have a soul to save.
Each authority was satisfied with this beautiful service in which each assistant Pastor and brother felt that God was in there pouring out his power

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friends Wedding Card Formats

Visit Pastors and Dorcas Sector No. 8

On Wednesday April 14 took place in the Temple Matrix IMP Puente Alto dorcas special meeting of the sector 8.
Pastors from different districts of this great Santiago attended along with a large number of sisters Dorcas of their respective churches where he extolled the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
was and was singing along with the delivery of firsts to Gertrudis Pastor Herrera, pastor of the Church of Puente Alto, by all the sisters Dorcas attendees. The blessing given by the first fruits was given by Pastor Sofia Vidal, then continue with the Word of God which was by the Legal Gajardo Patricia Pastor, Pastora belongs to the Church of South Pudahuel. Word of the Lord stood in Acts 20, 17-31. In
lips Aránguiz Pastora Claudia Gonzalez was the Blessing of the Lord's Word, to continue offering and a special anointing of the sick by Pastor Cecilia Rojas Campos, who invited each sister with a physical illness, mental or spirit to come forward to participate in this special anointing. With the hymn
193 "Honor and Glory" began to give an end to this beautiful gathering of industry dorcas 8.
The thanks were delivered by Pastor Miriam Salazar Sector Head of belonging Cerón the Church of San Miguel, to conclude this meeting with the final blessing given by the homeowner Rev. Pastor. Edmundo Zenteno Céspedes

Monday, April 5, 2010

Red Burning Soles And Pain

evangelistic Class Francisco Coloane Image

Day 2 and 3 April the Methodist Pentecostal Church of Chile with pastors in Puente Alto, made for the third time the work called "rake operation, which is door to door preaching. On this occasion was held at the Francisco Coloane Class from 11 am to 13:30 Hrs. to number about 900 brothers both days.
The guild met in class where teams were formed comprising: Official brothers, Preachers, assistants, heads of bodies and the Temple Cathedral teachers and their classes, which were divided into area manager, crew and groups. And formed the gang went on preaching points for the different places. And being in your work area is divided groups to preach from door to door.
It was preaching in 12 villages near that class. Back at the temple
entered the class into 3 major parades and delivering the work as is traditional with text "does not get tired because ..."

Pink Hutch Trickstar Ral Color

90.9 FM Radio in aid to southern Chile

Many people were organized in different ways, following the earthquake that struck our country to come to the aid of those who were more vulnerable after this natural disaster, we speak specifically of our compatriots in the south. Thus
our radio image was just one of the organizations that supported this solidarity action transmitting uninterruptedly from Friday until Monday in order to collect the largest amount of aid to people in need at this time. With
support of the community of Puente Alto were able to collect a large amount of food, toiletry and clothing to bring the people of southern Chile, leaving very according to each speaker who worked on this campaign of love and solidarity.
On Tuesday March 8 different speakers present their image in conjunction with Radio people of the Municipality of Puente Alto, Rotary Club staff and special envoy Patrick our Brother Iturrieta Onward Program, who visited and delivered in three specific points of the so-called "Ground Zero": the oak, the aromas and ending San Rafael. And since this was to help the neighbor was visiting very remote locations such as Catholic churches, Protestant and schools sector.
also want to share the enthusiasm with which we expected. Although most of the houses and public places were destroyed or seriously damaged people kept the hopes of rebuilding their lives and the strength to move forward after this great trial.
Let us pray for each of our compatriots who are in adversity after this unexpected natural disaster that Chile will soon be lifted and for Christ.