The January 31, 2009 in a detachment of Lomas del Mirador, used as a detention semi-clandestine, Luciano Crease was kidnapped, tortured and disappeared. Yes, as in the worst days of the genocidal dictatorship. From then until the day of the date, nothing is known of him, as he once said Monica, his mother, from that day to Luciano have turned away many times. As many as complicity, silence, impunity and threats to those who claim he has been.
In this case, as in many others, is responsible for planning, policy, ideology and have a name: The materials are directly involved eight police officers, who today are still "working" for law with impunity. Policy makers, many, just to name the mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinoza , Governor Daniel Scioli , the trial judge, Gustavo Bank, the first prosecutor in the case Roxana Castelli, the Minister Ricardo Casal security, until the national government itself, which never received the family, despite requests you have. Ideological makers are also many, are all that encourage young people to criminalize poor, those who ask tough, those who speak of "unsafe" without knowing who really suffer. With a single name could synthesize these sectors: Gabriel Lombardo, president of the "neighborhood association" VALOMI (Neighbors on Alert Lomas del Mirador).
After two years of the disappearance of Luciano, the responsibilities are more than clear. Also it is becoming clear to us which policy responses are coming from above: From the provincial government, more heavy-handed. More budget repressive forces, ie repression, murder and impunity continue to maintain the nefarious mafia network that holds the police force corroded. But forces of repression, as the new police community, today and every municipality has. Incidentally, in Matanza, post and used as public parking space, the Ateneo Don Bosco of Ramos Mejía. They tore their clothes to public lands defending against the "usurpation" of people needing housing, public recreation spaces usurp and use as police garage.
From National Government boasts of "not to repress social protest" and fiercely defend human rights. Although they have made some concessions, the truth is that in the past two months have been brutally murdered by state forces or by outsourced labor to that end, nearly a dozen people, in protests or fighting for what seemed fair fight.
Mariano Ferreyra , maybe it was the name most emblematic of them all, but two brothers have been killed and a Paraguayan Bolivian Villa Soldati and two brothers of the community Qom in Formosa. To this we add the tens of wounded in demonstrations, hundreds of detainees or accused based by street protests. Hundreds of cases of trigger finger, that plague the entire Greater Buenos Aires and the provinces. The evidence speaks for itself: More than 3000 killed by police in a democracy. Half of them, for the management of Kirchner, and about 500 in the last two years, according to CORREPI. We add also the hundreds of missing and disappeared in democracy, including, Julio Lopez, Luciano Gonzalez Luciano Crease, or Marita Veron , Fernanda Aguirre among many victims of the trafficking network for prostitution and the list goes on.
All these cases speak of an enormous contradiction between the national government's official policy on human rights and the concrete reality that most cruelly punishes the most vulnerable sectors of society and organizations that fight and do not bend to political blackmail.
Many are those who, despite everything, will not give up, do not we shut up, continue to speak, organized from below, demanding justice. Building popular power, together with the kids in the neighborhoods, with relatives, with neighbors. Opening mess organizing the neighborhood, taking to the streets, cutting routes, opening the popular high schools, cultural centers (such as Memory of Fire). Many and many are those who bet on another way to build and fight for a radically different alternative that we want to propose at the top. An alternative that is built from the bottom and fighting in the streets.
For all that, two years, we shouted louder than ever:
alive Luciano Appearance Crease ! Punishment all those guilty!
enough to criminalize poverty and youth! No kid comes running!
enough to repress and persecute the / as you fight!
Justice Mariano Ferreyra , Sixto Gomez, Roberto Lopez, Bernardo Salgueiro , Rosemary Cupen and Juan Castaneda Quispe !
All the cultural day on Saturday 29/01 in JM. Roses to 400
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Current JA Mella - Wolf Loose - The Trifulca