Party: Cartagena - Recreativo
Forecast: No Tie Cartagena
Fee: 1.70
Stake: 3
House: Interwetten
Party interesting to be living in the Cartagonova. Recre continues its winning streak and are now nine games he does not know defeat, reason has led him to breathe a little and get out some of the pit, now a field visit is very difficult as the Cartagena, I will cover the tie because every time I see Rivers team better. You would not have their man in form, Aaron, are also low Kepa and Rafita doubt. By the Cartagena will be without striker billet will be some weeks off
Party: Elche - Gimnàstic
Forecast: Elche
Fee: 1.95
Stake: 2
House: Betfair
After the defeat last week in Gran Canaria today can not fail Elche , and add three points today would make a shoe on the table, as it would fifth, three points would take him to Granada and if you would click Cartagena sweet. Opposite the Nastic, a rival that is quite soft, put in the pot and that there will be until the last day, away from home are the most Light and above have been injured by far their best player and that makes this team to move something, Moran. I hope the green and white house. Linares will be without or with Acciari, but recovered to Kike Mateo, Edu Albacar and Generelo, very important players.
Party: Tenerife - Huesca
Forecast: Tenerife
Fee: 2.00
Stake: 2
House: Interwetten
new coach
victory secure, that is hosting the Tinerfeños, and we went to see if the saying is true and we gives the green. Rather interesting day for Tenerife, and the fighting of his rivals this time are more than favorable to them, a victory it could almost make the descent and for that Tete has pulled the new coach, called Amaral, a coach Tenerife he hopes to get his team afloat. The Huesca I dare say it has almost sealed the stay, is the most solid team I see from below, and leads by 10 points at Salamanca, a team that marks the line of descent, but I doubt that global catastrophe into Huesca danger. I'm going to stake on as this game has its dangers.
Party: Tenerife - Huesca / Elche - Gimnàstic / Cartagena - Recreativo
Forecast: Tenerife Elche 1x + 1x + 1x Cartagena
Fee: 1.87
Stake: 1
House : Interwetten
leave this combined with the three matches today, I doubt that any of those three teams lose, it's an experiment I do is the first time I'll post, although I have to implement any rather than another and there has not been bad ...