Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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Concerts Pentecostal Methodist Church in High Bridge

was successfully carried out the Christmas concerts offered to the brothers and neighbors of Puente Alto in the choir belonging to the Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile Pastorate of Puente Alto. The first of these concerts were performed in the temple on Thursday December 17, which presented the voices belonging to the Polyphonic Choir of the Church of High Bridge, having a large turnout of público.El another took place on Saturday 19 December at the Plaza de Puente Alto, where they presented Polyphonic Choir will again Young Children's Choir and Chorus Instrumental , all these belong to the Evangelical Church of Bridge Alto.Este service began at 18:00 with the presentation of the Polyphonic Choir and then to go to Choir toddlers and ending with the Christmas Choir Instrumental.Cantando praise and preaching through music was as fulfilled this form to inform each attendees neighbors gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Closing Service

With the hymn "How Glorious is the Change" was launched Closing this service which was coordinated by Bro . Official David Zenteno Herrera, Head of Youth Puente Alto. The sentence was on the lips of Brother . Marcos Cordova, Assistant Youth Class Carol Urzua and welcome was given by Sister . Ana Maria Orfali, who is Head of Main Señoritas.Luego gave way to the reading of the Word which was given by Bro . Jorge Castillo, Assistant Youth and which was found in St. Mark 10: 17-31.
After reading the word gave way to opportunities that were given to: Sr. . Tamara Arriagada , Temple professor Matrix; Sr. . Ruth Arriagada, Head of the Class Ladies San Carlos, the Brother . Vicente Villarroel, Temple professor Matrix, La Pastora Gertrudis Herrera Zenteno ; Bro. Ricardo Santamaria, Assistant Corps Jóvenes.Luego of the respective praises sung by the youth started Word, who was in the hands of Rev. . Edmundo Priest Zenteno Céspedes, Pastor Ruler of the High Bridge Evangelical Church where he preached on the lives of youth.
It was a beautiful service where closed a special way this past year.

Monday, December 7, 2009

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JUPA Service Thanksgiving Day-Time Young

To mark the 76th anniversary of Gendarmerie of Chile took place on Friday, December 4, 2009 a special service of Action Thanksgiving time within the precincts of youth in the community of San Bernardo.Este had important religious leaders and prison guards as they were the National Chaplain Rev. gendarmerie. Musiett G., Revd. Edmundo C. Zenteno, rev. Quintanilla, the Commander of the Criminal Unit, prison guards, Pastors and Brothers.

This service is coordinated by our Brother and Director of Onward Iturrieta Jorge A. was designed to introduce you to each policeman present to our Lord Jesus Christ and thank for their help in the special work that plays within the precincts of time with young children who are there. It was thus that the service pipe the National Chaplain Rev. intervention. Musiett and Young-time chaplains to acknowledge the work done by the police and also by the support given to them in the rehabilitation of a child who is being held in that chamber.

Word of the Lord was in charge of Rev. Pastor. Pastor Edmundo C Zenteno Ruler of the Methodist Pentecostal Church of Chile with pastors in Puente Alto and this was found in John 15: 13-17 where the main message was the acceptance of Jesus Christ in every soul who does not know yet.

all pastors present then blessed and prayed for the officials who was in the service left a great spiritual gift, the blessing of our God.

The Gendarmerie anniversary celebration culminated with a cocktail and the singing of happy birthday.
For more information and pictures go to