was successfully carried out the Christmas concerts offered to the brothers and neighbors of Puente Alto in the choir belonging to the Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile Pastorate of Puente Alto. The first of these concerts were performed in the temple on Thursday December 17, which presented the voices belonging to the Polyphonic Choir of the Church of High Bridge, having a large turnout of público.El another took place on Saturday 19 December at the Plaza de Puente Alto, where they presented Polyphonic Choir will again Young Children's Choir and Chorus Instrumental , all these belong to the Evangelical Church of Bridge Alto.Este service began at 18:00 with the presentation of the Polyphonic Choir and then to go to Choir toddlers and ending with the Christmas Choir Instrumental.Cantando praise and preaching through music was as fulfilled this form to inform each attendees neighbors gospel of Jesus Christ.
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