The COMPA before Congress statement COMPA to Congress of the Confederation of Workers Argentinos (CTA)
fight against precarious work
The "Argentine model" and the reality of workers
In the last decade, the combination of devaluation and exceptional international economic conditions led to strong growth cycle of the economy that is ongoing.
Looking at the numbers in the Argentina of 2003 and compared with today's numbers, we see that there has been a recovery in employment rates and low unemployment . All this, without in Pink has been a popular project or transformer. How was it possible?
perhaps most important point to characterize the new pattern of development initiated in 2003 (and lines of continuity with the neoliberal process of the 90) is the large growth of precarious work. This presents us with grassroots organizations a debate on what we cope with this change in the situation of those who live in our work.
The precariousness and informality have been imposed constitute a distinctive feature of Argentina's economy since they are part of the strategy of employers to lower labor costs and improve competitiveness. Of course, this precarious situation has strong impact on income levels of workers. The wage gap between workers in the formal, non-formal and public sector are significant.
Currently over 50% of workforce is "black" or different forms of precarious employment, and that is a major cause of fragmentation and weakness in the workplace. Eight years of government supposedly "progressive" and steady growth have failed to reverse the structural picture. For beyond the speeches and some policies targeted no other political decision to promote labor and trade union model.
This is so obvious that just look what the State itself in their relations. According to official data, there precarious nearly 40,000 employees in the national government only. This situation is repeated and is worse in every province, let alone in the municipalities.
Ferreyra Mariano's murder at the hands of a gang association Railway Union (CGT) has provoked outrage in thousands and thousands of people across the country. The brutal murder occurs within a particular really: the conduct of the union, according to the company and with the complicity of the police attacked the workers who fought for a fundamental right: to recognize them for what they were: workers rail.
Relaxation and bureaucracy to divide laburantes
precisely these two issues, the precariousness, the union bureaucracy- constitute the central problem we have today most workers . And if those problems exist because someone is allowed. Complicity economic and political alliances, government and employers have favored the existence of these bureaucrats more concerned with personal business in the reality of workers.
Labor flexibility was with unemployment, the main strategy of the business and government to break the working class, weakening it and making progress on rights won through years of struggle by workers. This historical reversal was made possible by the support of most of the union bureaucracy and politics, including Kirchner and many others in the 90 were with Menem and now appear as if none of that happened.
Beyond the speeches and gestures, the government kichnerista noncombat situation. And the real replacement alternative, they offer a rosier picture: is can expect more favorable policies for laburantes from UCR Alfonsin and the "Law Banelco? Does the federal or dissenting Peronism, with business and murderers among its main dummies, can contain even the slightest hope of more favorable situations or initiatives for those of us in our work? Can they be a center output currents left who speak very little of the workers as proposed partnerships with small and medium-sized businesses?
think the answer goes to begin to build a real political alternative from the grassroots trade union against employer and state bureaucracies and unicato association.
against job insecurity and union democracy: the CTA as a tool for workers and women
This picture, which already speaks of a fragmentation between "formal" and "informal" is compounded because the insecure takes many different forms (slave labor, in black, hired, non-unionized, etc). We believe that this data is key to understanding the labor movement of our time, as the construction of new union practices can never be back to this most precarious peers. This must include building its own logic and thinking, strategies to achieve the organization in spite of adversity.
And in this fight is as much as ever the demand for union democracy. Democracy has to do with the granting of legal status to the CTA, no over the years by successive governments including the present. Democracy for the new instances of trade union, employers and bureaucrats persecuted and denied by the Ministry of Labour. And democracy also in the workplace, so that from below we can organize and fight for decent living conditions for everyone.
Men and women in
Coordinator Popular Movements and Organizations Argentina
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