Sunday, March 27, 2011

Whitish Colours In Poop 36 Weeks Pregnant

With the arrival of President Hugo Chávez to La Plata. Declaration of Mella and the FPDS

With the arrival of President Hugo Chávez to La Plata

Where, on any continent, in the path of Bolivar and Che

"We do not make mistakes, the resonances of heart warn us: we are standing on a revolution, we live one hour American "Manifest Liminar
University Reform, 1918

With the arrival of the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez to our country, salute the Bolivarian government and the Venezuelan people, with the firm will accompany them in this way have been able to undertake towards socialism, full independence and unity of the sovereign peoples of our America.

bet to build a popular Latin American integration project, aiming to establish ourselves as an alternative model of civilization that faces the sack, oppression, capitalist exploitation, colonial domination and patriarchy. To achieve this, we understand essential that our people are the protagonists , and act as the fulcrum on which to build bonds of solidarity, determination and unity.

At the same time, since the student movement accompany The initiative for the transformation of higher education, changing the significance of the historical role of the university in the construction of knowledge, culture and training of new men and women. challenged by our peoples, mindful of their needs, we face the challenge of working for an emancipatory model of education.

see profound inequalities in the traditional educational system in pursuit of a universal claim model has neglected the history of our people and their particular cultures, women have been segregated and reproduced the social relations of a operating system. Given this model we intend oppose a new education project: latinoamerican, with a gender perspective and focused on the needs, wants and desires of the lower classes.
That's why, once again, we renew our commitment as student movement in the construction of an educational model transformer, aware that a truly autonomous University, located in the freedom of the people the ultimate goal of building knowledge.

The unity and integration of Our America, is on the horizon and it is our way!

Tuesday, 29 March

mobilized to the School of Journalism to receive the President Hugo Chávez, and to greet the Venezuelan government and the Venezuelan people

Concentration in 122 and 60 at 16:30 Hrs

Frente Popular Darío Santillán
FULP presidency
Current July Antonio Mella


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