Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Is The Cause Of A Twisted Bowel In A Horse

A historical decline in education in Cordoba: the new Law on Provincial Education

In recent months he lived an intense resistance to the adoption of the draft Provincial Education Act 8113 . Finally, on Wednesday 15 December, the state's coercive forces did their work: n Repression against students, parents and teachers was the note of color after the adoption of the new law.

L @ s students: processes of organization and resistance

The process of resistance to the passage of this law began months ago when @ s high school students organized to reject both the spirit and the body of the draft law, which was conceived with clerical and business sectors in the province of Cordoba, among other actors, excluding students, parents and teachers.

After several weeks of footage in more than 25 secondary schools , l @ s @ s college students we merge it to fight for education for the people, adding their own demands of student movement as worthy building conditions for the courses, scholarships and childcare for l @ s hij @ s of students.

This process of independent, with footage of Faculties, mass meetings, workshops and productions collective was hampered openly and even suppressed by the rector of the UNC Management and arms student radical ( Franj to Residence) and kirchneristas ( The Hinge .) As happened in the making process of the UBA, l @ s up showed their concern at the organization s comrades in instances of direct democracy, which put a crisis in their anti-popular representation system.

Beyond its attempts to stifle our ability to transform reality, could not obscure the struggle of hundreds of comrades s. And their strategies were as varied: first, know any requests for meetings in the co-governing bodies, which came to direct repression by the police to leave no sa comrades enter a public meeting in which it was to vote on a pseudo-adherence to harmful bill 8113. On the other hand, those who claimed to defend "democracy" came to unthinkable levels of violence and bullying, through acts in which shots were rejected and defended to the hilt, the mechanisms that had already shown disregard claims l @ s students mechanisms that reflect a flawed and elitist institution such as the UN. C.

Grahovac, clergy, business and UEPC: Education for the people?

But what raised the draft Provincial Education Act 8113? The new education law, approved in Cordoba at the expense of the blood of youth, students and teachers, has little to do with the needs and expectations of years education advocate for social change and popular emancipation.

brand new law in the public schools of Cordoba realize who the sectors of power that are projected in the medium term on the head our youth. If the old law became the exclusion of thousands of young people, the overcrowding of classrooms, in the final fragmentation of the educational path and the total bureaucratization of the system, the new law proposes a period of indoctrination in the techniques and their own senses of capitalist reality and the churches.

Private universities, major business groups in the province, the church and the union bureaucracy found in the table Schiaretti government to liquefy into law the dominant interests of the Cordoba, which grows and organizes only a few.

The internships are also backed with the new legislation. At this point, although we understand the value that involves the practice in the learning process, we understand the laws and regulations have served internships for another thing to generate cheap labor . Among the current internship experience can include customer care Mc Donald's , selling services Call Centers, fuel sales at service stations and many other experiences that far from proposing to @ s students a learning space, laboratories have become indoctrination and underemployment. Unfortunately, nothing that this government has done allows us to believe that the new rules of internships have purposes other than those we already know.

One of the most contentious points is that religious education is now optional in the state public domain. Without discussion and against the XXI century thought , the government decided to re-validate Cordoba in the public sphere a historical narrative that has little to do with the overall development and emancipation of societies .

addition, from now on, l @ s @ s will cordobes of a governmental body, the new Board of Education of Cordoba, which will consist of representatives of Catholic universities and Private as well as representatives of economic sectors in our province . Ell @ s decide on curricula, teaching methods and other public education policies.

As usual in the legal, the rest of the text is intended for the ambiguities and the formalities. In other points, for example, is mentioned among teachers rights, the right to receive a wage, though nowhere semanticizes what is the dignity of a teacher. The bill proposes to extend the number of hours an / a teacher may be responsible (30 to 36), which under the laws of the market will ultimately mean more work for equal pay. Neither refers to the teacher empowerment on the concentration of hours or other mechanism to limit the chances that a teacher working in 10 schools (3 hours each, for example). Nor does it provide the dignity of today's classrooms are overcrowded; not propose quotas for groups, or the creation of more courses and schools. And, obviously, does not refer in any way to @ s auxiliary education.

For adult education @ s, proposes the creation of a special direction, but does not advance anything about a mode that takes more than ten years in the shadows of state planning. not talking about technical education for adult @ s, or the creation of childcare facilities, or scholarships, or stabilize the top jobs.

Neither advances in central questions of the teacher selection, evaluation and accreditation and frees (as before) enabling irresponsible teachers without specific training or educational vocation.

article Neither half of the new law leaves the possibility that the State also recognizes the financial and other early childhood experiences and a half that exist in the province as a popular high schools for adult @ s self-managed primary schools , among others.

Police: missing actor

To pass this law, away from the democratic logic and true to the logic of repression, the government silenced voices Cordoba educational community -those who was never interested in hearing- from the day before the vote, when a group of compañeros @ s who conducted a hunger strike against the proposed 8113 was threatened by a gang PJ. L @ \u200b\u200bs strikers waiting for the announcement of the Legislature to enter the room and read a petition with signatures against the project treatment, but this did not happen because when the punter @ s Group approached the Legislature, the police received orders condescendingly to create a barrier protegiéndol @ s. He then opened the door and entered ell @ s to wash the face and Schiaretti Grahovac, preventing our participation and killing any hope of being heard @ s.

the day of the vote, the repression took classical form, with a balance of 13 detained smite @ s @ s between l @ s who were under old, (@ s were released several hours later, only to pressure from l @ s s hundreds of comrades that we mobilize to Jail Encausados \u200b\u200b(UCA) and not allow to claim for their freedom and a dignified treatment). With rubber bullets, truncheons and a tanker, firefighters and Marine harshly repressed Province @ s students and teachers, in an act of cowardice typical of our "forces of order. " Also curbed freedom of expression of independent media: the s @ s Indymedia comrades were extracted a camera (which was later retrieved by the blows and jerks himself correspondent). All commanded impunity by jef l @ s @ s of those who claim to be protecting.

The consummation of hypocrisy

So it was after months of procrastination, of footage of rallies, debate (real assemblies , Cordoba fictitious parliament), control of students teachers and parents it was time. This Wednesday 15 December, s comrades who had fallen asleep in front of the Legislature and otr @ s behind the fences bet for peace of l @ s @ s legislature began the session. While street voices were silenced, l @ s "people's representatives", prepared to vote after several hours. The cast was a disappointing result approval without major modifications of the infamous Project for 43 to 25. voted for the positive Union for Córdoba (ruling), blocks Kirchner (Concertación Plural militant Peronist Party and the Front for Victory), PRO, Federal Neighborhood Union, the Independent Neighborhood, Neighborhood Action Movement and the Patriotic Movement, in the negative did the UCR, the Civic Front, the Civic Coalition, Socialist Left and the Progressive Front.

It's funny how the caucuses "national and popular" are voting for a time block with the reactionary Peronism that now governs the province (see forest law) and was in charge of repression occurred in the vicinity of the legislative palace. Perhaps this is a sign of an electoral alliance between the two sectors, we should be attentive @ s.

is not anecdotal that the current Minister of Education (primary driver of the Act), Walter Grahovac, has been secretary general of the disastrous UEPC ( Teachers' Union of the Province of Córdoba), guild is far from representing the worker s @ @ s teachers and their participation was stellar as shock troops on the eve of the session and as a key instrument of oppression during the days of debate . Held the same position today Kirchner MP Carmen Nebreda. Today the Secretary General is John Montserrat, always following the line of coherence of its predecessors.

cries education. Once again, corporate interests before those of the people prevailed. Again, the political power shift (with their direct accomplices) was functional repression, business and church.

While already passed in the Legislature Cordoba a mercantilist Provincial Education Act and dogmatic, the struggle continues with the strength of those @ s students, teachers, parents and social organizations held meetings, lectures, forums, rallies and even hunger strikes to denounce this outrage against popular sovereignty.

National Space-Based Student Organizations

AIEEL, Driving EC Languages \u200b\u200bMajority on the Governing Board of the Faculty of Languages, A Córdoba
Scaffolding - Grouping of students, graduates and academics , EC Secretariat General Humanities and Cs, Most Students in the Executive Council, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences-A Coastal
Advanced , School law, UN Mar del Plata
Lacandona Collective, A Center, Tandil
Confluence Faculty of Humanities , A Mar del Plata
Students in the FPDS - FULP Presidency, EC Driving Agriculture and Forestry , CE Veterinary , A La Plata ;
Current Julio Antonio Mella - New President FUBA , General Coordination CE Cs. Social EC Driving Cs. Natural, New Driving CEFyL; Majority FFyL Directing Council, FCSoc, FCEyN, Majority Superior Council, UBA
Loose Lobo Student Organization , Federal Capital
Juan Salvo, Institute Joaquín V. Gonzalez, Federal Capital
Frida - FPDS, Leopoldo Marechal School of Art, La Matanza , Buenos Aires
Bad Education , General Coordination CE Cs. Social Majority on the CD, Fac Cs. Soc - UBA
Grassroots Movement of Agronomy (MBA), Faculty of Agronomy, A Córdoba
Psychology Students Movement (MEPs), CEPs Driving, School of Psychology, A Mar del Plata
The Quay, EC Driving Philosophy and Humanities, majority on the Board of the Faculty of FFyH, A Córdoba
Independent Movement of Agronomy (MIA), Driving CEA A Luján
Santiago Pampillón and El Grito, CE Driving Psychology Driving CE C. Politics and RR.II., majority on the Board of the Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Political Science and International Relations., Minority Board of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts and Veterinary Sciences, Minority High Council A Rosario.
Libertarian Socialism, General Coordination CE Cs. Social Driving New CEFyL, UBA
Libertarian Socialism, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, UN Rosario

Monday, December 27, 2010

Contribution Letter For Wedding Gift

FUBA statement for freedom of the railway workers of the Workers Party


La Federación Universitaria de Buenos Aires condemns the arrest of Omar Merino and Jorge Hospital , railway workers, members of the PO and the group "Cause Railway Mariano Ferreyra" and denounced the escalation of attacks by the Government towards outsourcing in general and in particular Workers Party, fighting against dismissal and pass by the permanent staff. claim these rights for , Mariano Ferreyra was killed by the mob association of the Union Railway. As if this were not enough, the minister announced Garré capture new orders during the afternoon.
We are facing a very serious fact: while the heads of the crime are free Mariano (Pedraza, "Gallego" Fernández), who claimed to stop with him against the third. Turn victims into perpetrators is a sign pointing to impunity , neither more nor less than the same week that the House should set the release of the seven Railway Union thugs jailed for the murder of our friend Mariano.
On Thursday, roads cut contract workers demanding their rights. The government criminalized this action, when it is responsible for maintaining the outsourcing labor fraud, which is the union bureaucracy of Pedraza and Maturana with employers as the main beneficiaries. From the outset, students support the struggle of outsourced, and we stand in solidarity with them, their place in plant and the end of the third way across the country.
FUBA The warning about this step in the criminalization of social protest. We reject the idea that fighting for the rights of workers and people-wage, job security, land, housing-is "pandering to the right." Quite the contrary, the government of Cristina Kirchner has agreed with Macri against the homeless. " Now, progress in prosecuting those who struggle with court cases and arrests.
call on all political, social and human rights to mobilize for the freedom of co-Mariano, for the immediate satisfaction of claims of outsourced rail, to prevent the release of the gang that carried out the crime of barracks and walked across the prison Pedraza and all politicians.
With these objectives, the FUBA participate in the mobilization of Tuesday 28 to 18 hours from Callao and Corrientes to Plaza de Mayo

Monday, December 20, 2010

Heart Rate Up Arm Numb


to march PLAZA DE MAYO
Two months after the killing of Mariano Ferreira. A 9-year December 20, 2001. Many things have changed, but from the various State Governments is still qualified to popular needs and represses usurping bullets d and the security forces or bureaucracy association (such as barracks, Formosa, Soldati and many sites). A the poor, the underdog are accused of wanting land, housing, a job that is not subordinated to the pointer. It looks at as suspects c hen want end the insecurity. And if that not enough surface new racism against our brothers and sisters in Latin America, which goes hand in hand with all that smells of poor, precarious and excluded.
We are part of those workers mestizos, Indians, blacks and whites of Our America to seek work, study, have a home or land that have been stolen and that we organize in our workplaces democratically our rights. And we fight jointly to be a little bit for everyone, and not much for some.

So many organizations on Monday to call us again to march to Plaza May and remember the uprising of 19 and 20, 2001. In those days, in cities across the country, thousands of people assume our role and took to the streets. Tired of suffering the misery, repression, injustice and the growing loss of rights we yelling Stop!

Ezekiel (Libertarian Socialism): 1537562529
Federico Orchani (Front Darío Santillán) 155489-1374

What will everyone! was the cry that more was heard. Owners power not stand idly by and repression was fierce. Nearly 40 people nationwide (all on the side of town) was the outcome of those bloody days. But the uprising was a turning point. As in other countries of Our America, ended the monologue of the policies framed by the Washington Consensus. No one could govern just stepping on the majority.

But make no mistake. We are far from a country with justice for the popular sectors. Our elders, having contributed all his life, still receiving pensions misery. The national government says there is no money for pensioners, either for a housing plan scope to the entire homeless population, there is no money to cooperatives without pointers throughout the country while making the payment of 7000 million dollars to Paris Club loan sharks. Ministries do little to put an end to the thirst for corporate profits, much less to end outsourcing and other forms of precarious employment.

So 9 years of 19 and 20/10: ending impunity and repression
Judgement and Punishment of the political leaders of the murders of 19 and 20 December 2001, policy makers of the slaughter of Avellaneda, those responsible for planning and policy co Soldati homeless.

Urgent implementation of development plans and housing for all.

Trial and punishment of all bureaucracy Pedraza, UGOFE the bosses and the police for the killing of Mariano Ferreyra. Go to the permanent staff of all outsourced. Enough of precarious labor.

Trial and punishment of the murderers of Robert Lopez in Formosa. Removal and Gildo Insfran prison. Restitution of land to the peasants. Enough mining and agro-export model.

Come together in the streets to fight against impunity and for all our rights.

Let deepening grassroots organization and building the unity of the peoples of our America.

COMPA (Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina - Buenos Aires Reg) : Frente Popular Darío Santillán; Juventud Rebelde December 20th-The Nick, Wolf Loose, The Trifulca, "OP stokers, Libertarian Socialism, CEIP; Open Chair of American Studies; Neighborhood Assembly of Beccar, C. Cultural Workers logs; Murga doodles of Oil; Collective of Popular Education in Prison "Atrapamuros" Compadres House Cultural Horizon, Space Chico Mendes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Istqb Foundation 2010 Ebook

Lord's Supper Service

One of the most important services for a Christian in his spiritual life is the service of "sacrament", that is why there is a special preparation.
This ritual held in remembrance of the sacrifice made by our Lord when he was passing through this land, this is how it is set to 1 Corinthians 11, 23-26: "... The Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and having given thanks, He broke it and said, Take, eat , this is my body which is shared by you: do this in remembrance of me.
also took the cup also, after making supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood: do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.
So every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. "
Thus understood each of the brothers belonging to the IMP pastorate in Puente Alto , and who lived a beautiful spiritual feast next Lord of lords, our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 meetings were held by the number of siblings of different classes that make up the pastorate, one at 10:00 am after a preaching point made in the main Plaza de Puente Alto, and the second at 18:00 hrs after the respective period.
Hymns, Praise, Dance, and the presence of the Holy Spirit formed this special meeting which extended forces and lives among the attendees.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ring Tone Can Someone Pick Up The Telephone

enough of death and repression. Housing demand for all the neighbors

Mobilization Tuesday 14 December at the Obelisk 18hrs

"No more death and repression, we demand housing for all residents"

Trial and punishment of the murderers and their political leaders national governments and the city

On Tuesday 14 at 18 Hs members of COMPA (Coordinator of Popular Movements and Organizations in Argentina) we will concentrate on the Obelisk to demand justice before the grave events against neighbors and Neighbouring Soldati, Lugano, who still claim their right to decent housing.
Federico Orchani 155695-5701 (D Front Speaker Ario Santillán) 1559235552
Dionel Pérez (relating to the Villa 20 and FPDS) 1532625456
Itai Hagman (The Mella-Juventud Rebelde) Mara
11 4159 8369 (press and media area FPDS)
Hundreds of families ahead in the American Indian Park city government a solution to housing problems. Macri's answer remains the same: no answer for those who have less.

The lack of housing and life conditions of the popular Buenos Aires, not only find a solution, but incitement xenophobic macrista promoted by the government is driving the situation to a point of no return, with the blossoming of the reactionary prejudices of different social sectors.

face of this serious social and repression of the demands of the residents, is urgently needed unity and mobilization of broader sections of people, demanding decent housing and an end to repression. Also, the conviction of those responsible for the murder of four homeless people, two of which fall under the bullets of the Federal Police, of which the national government should be responsible, and two by the attack of macrismo vigilante street gangs.

We repudiate diversionary maneuvers that attempt to hide the historical claims of thousands of families living in the city of Buenos Aires and make the events appear as a conflict of poor against poor.

not allow the hiding of the repressive actions of the Federal and the Metropolitan. The fundamental solution is not militarization, but public policy in favor of the majority, rather than privatizing the country continue to favor corporations.

enough to repress social protest! The real solution is housing for all!
For the rights denied to the people: land, housing, employment and justice.

- against businesses and repression.
- By popular respect and solidarity.
- From below, we build the unity of the peoples of our America

155695-5701 CONTACT Federico Orchani (Front Speaker Darío Santillán) 1559235552
Dionel Pérez (relating to the Villa 20 and FPDS) 1532625456
Itai Hagman (The Mella-Juventud Rebelde) 11 4159 8369
Mara (press and media area FPDS)

Coordinator organizations and movements. Buenos Aires Reg

Frente Popular Darío Santillán, Juventud Rebelde, December 20 (La Mella, Wolf Loose, The Trifulca) People's Organization stokers, Libertarian Socialism, Cooperative Popular Educators and Researchers (CEIP), Chair of American Studies Open ; Assembly of Beccar Neighborhood, Centro Cultural Workers logs; Murga doodles of Oil; Collective of Popular Education in Prison "Atrapamuros" Compadres House Horizon culture.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Angelika Cebulla Pyskowice

Begin the re-foundation! Neighbors continue

By way of balance

week this year's election was no more, given the confluence of several factors: recent elections of the entire UBA in the last week of classes, with a very big dispute and polarization among the top three fronts. This contributed to the campaign out of the parameters in (a) normally used. who built together every day as we were amazed that we live in these days Filo. Not only for the profusion of propaganda, but also by the level of hostility that had many discussions in the hallways.

This is one of the central questions from the Board we would like to change. While participating in the discussions and take care of making visible our proposal, those who know us know that our commitment is not political, we do not like the subjugation or understatement to all the students, who at times to involve discussion on the door same dark room.

Beyond those issues, it is noteworthy that the general framework in which these elections were none other than the one with youth as an unavoidable character of the political and militant of our country. However, there is surprising-for good-the high amount of people who voted for the Student Center. That's why we want to thank these 6584 people, beyond the list who voted, despite the non-compulsory voting, have understood that his decision was transcendent. The vote, especially when it is so massive, and the intervention in any assembly or committee, is another way to participate in political life from our guild tool. Since we have been marking the Board as the linchpin to initiate a process of re-foundation of our center and building a strong and renewed student movement, the role of students. We have great expectations that this decision we have made will be the beginning of the remaking of CEFYL.

Moreover, we are infinitely grateful to all colleagues who supported us, encouraged us and helped us during the election campaign, either militarily with us, controlling, or just showing their support and affection. His contribution was essential to achieve our goal, this win is as much his as ours.

Some perspectives

The remaking of downtown involves the construction of a new model that can hold all students, a CEFyL consider participation as a fundamental tool by which strengthened as an association, a center with an own identity and politics, beyond ideology of the organization that leads, a CEFyL that could give the dispute guild level, academic and cultural.

But we want to build this new CEFyL ourselves. Reaffirm: CEFyL did not want a unique block, but we do not want one only to the IADB. is why we call on all groups, commissions, clustered and nonclustered students to build with us, contribute ideas, criticisms and whatever is in pursuit of a goal that we believe we have in common: the reconstruction of a strong student movement, organized, creative and combative, able to establish itself as a political actor of weight that can influence the political and social reality of the country, tending strong links with social movements and the working people. A center that is capable of articulating a student group with autonomous capacity for action to combat the regressive policies of the rector and the national government, and humbly make a project of University Village and for the people.

center for all students, to organize to fight and fight to win.

Sumate, do not you tell it!

Begin the re-foundation!

The Board
New Driving CEFyL
"The future is ours by working arrogance"

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Schutt Air Xp Versus Dna Pro

making repudiate the repression, we demand housing for all residents

Tomorrow at 12 Hs members of COMPA (Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina) will accompany the residents of Lugano, who claim their right to decent housing and the only answer received by national governments and the city, was a brutal repression that left two neighbors killed and dozens seriously injured.

Trial and punishment of the murderers and the policy makers in national governments and city

responsibility of both forces security, Federal and Metropolitan is evident. Both acted yesterday to evict not only families but to chase them and beat them viciously into the Villa 20, leaving lives of two neighbors.

Therefore we demand that both governments to withdraw their armed forces of the American Indian Park and near the Villa 20 and Villa Soldati and we responsableal national government and city government for the security and integrity of the neighbors that the only thing is claiming the right to adequate housing. The first operation coordinated jointly by the repressive forces within the national executive and Buenos Aires show that, before the claims, the answers are the same: repression.

also repudiate diversionary maneuvers that make the events appear as a conflict of poor against poor, trying to hide the historical claim housing thousands of families living in the city of Buenos Aires.

not allow the hiding of the repressive actions of the Federal and the Metropolitan.

not allow him to hide the right to decent housing for neighbors and the housing crisis in the city.

In Jujuy, along with other organizations will make a broadcast radio at 18 pm to repudiate what happened.
enough to repress social protest! Decent housing for all!

Coordinator organizations and movements. Reg Buenos Aires
Frente Popular Darío Santillán , Juventud Rebelde, December 20 (La Mella, Wolf Loose, The Trifulca) Stokers People's Organization; Socialism Libertarian Cooperative Popular Educators and Researchers (CEIP), Chair Open American Studies; Neighborhood Assembly of Beccar, Centro Cultural Workers logs; Murga doodles of Oil; Collective of Popular Education in Prison "Atrapamuros" Compadres House Horizon culture.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gallery Male Genital Exam

II National Meeting of the Coordination of Popular Movements and Organizations

11 and December 12. Faculty of Social Sciences University of Buenos Aires
The beginning of a shared path
A little more than a year some dozens of organizations we were in Lanús, Buenos Aires, with a shared conviction it was necessary to begin a journey of articulation, based on our basic constructions, would be orientated towards the putting in place an anti-capitalist political alternative. We knew that such task was to deal, at this juncture, a policy of "top". But we knew that this attempt would require the expansion and deepening of the debate between "lower" to settle accounts with our own mistakes and weaknesses, seeking criticize and overcome dogmatic ideas and practices, vertical and sectarian lines, rooted in the traditional left Argentina.

Today COMPA (Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina) , a few days of completing their first year of life , brings together local authorities, cultural, student, environmental, labor, education, groups political comrades in Jujuy, La Rioja, Tucumán, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Córdoba, San Luis, San Juan, Mendoza, Formosa, Chaco, Black River, Neuquén, Buenos Aires and the Federal Capital. The slow but steady growth, both in deepening the basic experience and political agreements reached, as the incorporation of new / as brothers and sisters, we are very optimistic and we mark a way forward against the endemic fragmentation suffered by the masses.

policy How we Argentina
At this time we have a number of consensus building and a shared vision on key elements of national policy. The popular uprising was not an isolated event but the highest peak of a rising popular struggles which lasted until mid-2002, which was able to turn to a government but unable to propose an alternative to the political crisis itself. This crisis was helmed by the Justice Party which led to a devaluation and led to the president Nestor Kirchner, who could temper popular mobilization, he tried to expropriate some of our flags, while policies promoted fragmentation and / or co-optation of the sectors popular. Seven years later your assumption is clear that Kirchner does not conform to their place of "fireman", but seeks to perpetuate itself in power and would not hesitate to deal with its allies just yesterday. To build their own power Kichnerismo appeals to the conflicting gestures, pushing on one side impact measures undoubtedly popular as the Media Act or the universal child allowance, while making concessions to large foreign and domestic economic groups, ensures business of the multinational mining and strengthen relations with the U.S. State Department, to name just a few examples. This has led to some bias against big business sectors and the political opposition right to demand that the Kichnerismo that after the services, to step aside to be replaced by a more predictable state guidance and populist gesture stripped of all. Another

analysis than deserves the support of labor flexibility as the main strategy of companies and governments to break the working class, weakening it and making progress on rights won through years of struggle. Complicity of most of the union bureaucracy and politics, including Kirchner and many others in the 90 were with Menem and now appear as if none of that happened. Not just a ballast 90. On the contrary, Kirchner government 7 years have done nothing to change this situation. For beyond the speeches and some policies targeted no political decision to promote another model and union labor.

Our country also boasts of historical economic growth rates in China and exponential gains, while the hunger situation in each of the neighborhoods persists and grows worse. Growth at the expense of poverty of vast sectors of our people, meager budgets for education, health, housing and other needs of the people are absolutely insufficient.

is in the context of polarization prior ruling, we face the challenge (and opportunity) to build a truly popular choice across the different variants of the system policy. The strength to build this alternative is in the works: thousands of activists across the country folk are holding the flags of radical social change, many organizations have created spaces that are laboratories of gestation of resistance and alternatives autonomous territorial organizations, businesses recovered, struggling farmers, the workers who are organized into democratic unions and fight for their demands, and the list is endless. These experiences, that Kirchner has endeavored to suppress, are co-opting or weaken the material in a still more potential than this, alternative release.

However, it is necessary that the capitalist will and conviction to be accompanied by a reflection on the specific conditions that we must develop counter-hegemonic struggle. It is clear that Kirchner has managed to build a complex political scenario, which aims to snatch symbols and flags, and we must respond intelligently to not end up going with the Rural Society and singing along with Lilith Carrio. How? No one has the formula and probably will remain a debate in the years to come, what is clear is that the situation poses dangers not only us but also the opportunity to build a new left.
do we build

On this basis, on the accumulation of experiences of movement and our people all understand that the current stage we search for ways to raise the confluence of various experience base we have been building models away from the traditional partisan left.

The COMPA expresses an intent to take on this challenge from a portion of the heterogeneous network left organizations independent or autonomous. At its heart are a rich accumulation of experiences, social creations, which are an unavoidable starting point of the struggles to come. The rejection of a finished program or ideology shielded itself is one of the common denominators of this space. However, their thinking and their social and political practice are drawn and a number of key ideas that are taken up by a number of groups with different characteristics. On this basis

try to develop different areas of intervention:
  • The fight against hunger and precariousness of life.
  • The defense of public education. The fight for public education, critical, and emancipatory popular.
  • For a new unionism. Against street gangs and mafias union building from the ground, in every workplace.
  • The defense of popular sovereignty, encouraging direct democracy and participatory as the only way to guarantee the defense of the interests and wishes of the people, fighting the privileges and impunity of the powerful.
  • The struggle for women's rights and gender equality. For sex education to decide, Non-abortion contraception, legal abortion to avoid death.
  • Combating looting model and pollution. On a national project with food sovereignty.
  • The fight against the criminalization of poverty and social protest. For the freedom of political prisoners and activists accused based popular. Trial and punishment by Mariano Ferreyra and clarification of the repression of Community Spring, Formosa.
  • The struggle of indigenous peoples to defend their territories and cultures from a multicultural and intercultural solidarity determination.
  • The struggle against imperialism and all forms of oppression and fragmentation of our Latin American peoples. Promoting the unity of the peoples beyond the borders of states.
These struggles are part of a global struggle against capitalism and for a new society. In this fight is compromised COMPA. The particular situation of our continent, the epicenter of resistance to the predatory logic of capitalism and the construction of new alternatives is a central reference point.

The COMPA intended as a contribution to the construction of a tool anti-capitalist, imperialist and anti-patriarchal. We around a spectrum of thousands of colleagues who participate in union, student, territorial, cultural group, gender, organizations and socio-environmental assemblies urban and rural, peasant organizations, indigenous communities, intellectual areas, which are renewing the counter-thought and practice in our country. With the learners to discuss and try to forge unity and organization. They / as is also addressed our call.

11 and December 12, beginning at 9 am, will be held the Second National Meeting of the COMPANY in the City of Buenos Aires (Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA). A new opportunity to come together to discuss, reflect and continue adding wills on this path of unity.

In the same bet the debate to new projections by the complexity that we face the national political map. Try to nurture consensus on two points: first, from the joint discussion on the basis of areas of intervention, such as Education, Trade, and Environmental Commons, Territorial, Gender, Communication and Culture, and Rural. In a second time from a multi-sectoral debate, analyze the political situation, both nationally and Latin America.
discussions understand that both enrich our agreements, will power our practices and contribute to the strengthening of trust built between the organizations that compose the COMPA today, and also open challenge to all those who sit in the way of cementing struggles and journey together.

fight for change history. The victory is not written, nor is it inevitable, but we increasingly are working to conquer.

Faculty of Social (UBA): Marcelo T. de Alvear 2230 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
To get there:
From Retiro or Constitution: take the subway line C to Diagonal Norte station. There is combined with line D (Station in July) and travels to the next Congress of Tucumán to Station Medical School. Cost of trip: $ 1.10.
For Collective : Lines 12, 39, 41, 60, 61, 95, 101, 106, 109, 111, 118, 152.
organized and convened
(Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina)

Jujuy Frente Popular Darío Santillán

Popular Front
Campo Quijano La Rioja La Rioja
Front People's Organization (FROP). Tucumán

TIERRHA (Work for the Integration of a Space of Resistance and Reconstruction of Habitat); Crusades: Feminist Collective organization and diversity; Frente Popular Darío Santillán, PRO-ECO environmental organization in the ASANOA, Pangea: Cooperative Self-managed Work, JAT: Youth Anarchist
Buenos Aires
Neighborhood Assembly of Beccar; Open Chair of American Studies, Cultural Center of Workers, Murga The Doodles of Oil, and the Collective of Popular Education in Prison "Atrapamuros" ; Cooperative Popular Educators and Researchers (CEIP) Frente Popular Darío Santillán, Juventud Rebelde, December 20 (La Mella, Wolf Loose, The Trifulca) Stokers People's Organization; Socialism Libertarian Culture House Horizon Compadres.
Santa Fe Frente Popular Darío Santillán
, Libertarian Socialism.
Entre Ríos Teachers' unions

AGMER Córdoba Moves
Córdoba, Frente Popular Darío Santillán, Libertarian Socialism.
San Luis
Frente Popular Darío Santillán. San Juan

Retamo, Clay
Colectivo La Minga, The Mirror, The Otherness anticapitalist feminist organization, organization of Landless Rural Workers Lavalle (otherlist).
Frente Popular Darío Santillán. Chaco

Open Chair of American Studies; Front Popular Darío Santillán, The Other Voice.
High Black River Valley and Neuquén Frente Popular Darío Santillán

coordinadoradeorganizaciones http://. /

Monday, December 6, 2010

Anti Skin Cancer Cream For Dog


The Board of the Independent Left 25.2%
Block 23.2% FUP
18.6% Puan
6.3% To do
New Meeting 5.7%
South Project
5.3% 4.1% The Mariátegui
The Revolt 4%
MST-The current 2.9%
The Turnaround 2.9% 1.1%

departmental councils election results:

Arts Schedule 5 - " Arts Students' 451 votes 41.87%

List 4 - "The Linde 362 votes 33.61%


List 9 - "Snail Insurgent - La Junta in Anthropology 490 votes 36.49%

Playlist 27 -" Mana-collective forces "363 votes 27.03%

Library Science and Information Sciences
List 20 - 121 votes 79.08% Biblionormalizados

List 9 - FEI Edit / Note the foot / 9 of the 296 votes 51.75%

Education Sciences
List 68 - Unpublished 349 votes 45.74% viable

List 27 - Publishes Popular y 177 votes 23.19%

Schedule 7 - "The Fold" 515 votes 38.35%

List 68 - "Philosophy in Assembly" 380 votes 28.29%


List 15 - "Geoid in revolution 170 votes 68 , 27%

Schedule 7 - "Geography for Victory" 60 votes 24.09%

History List 11 - "CEUP-La Mariátegui" 455 votes 28.16%

Schedule 4 - Block "426 votes 26.36%


List 9 -" The board of the independent left in Literature " 722 votes 43.92%

Schedule 7 - "Macedonio Fernández" 570 votes 34.67%

List 87 - "The commons" 100% 30 votes

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ss Cricket Bat Gugrat

Elections! -Reviewed on CEFyL-* The Board * 9

Election Center Student and departmental councils career - from 29/11 to 03/12 (more info here ):
bet change
Revision CEFyL! Lee
here our platform to center
  • In Anthropology: Insurgent Caracol - The Board in Anthropology - majority on the board (9 List) (click here )
  • In Lyrics: The Board in Lyrics - minority on the board (9 List) (click here )
  • In History: History Board (List 9) (click here )
  • In Edition: CopyLeft - The Board Edit + independent ( List 18 ) (click here )
  • In Philosophy: participate and call to vote in the Assembly Philosophy (68 List) (click here )
  • In Arts: participate and call vote The Linde (4 List) (click here )

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wordings For Farewell Party

Material List for discussion - November 2010

Click here for
GoogleDocs version

begins to come to an end a year in which, no doubt, we were witnesses and participants in a major display of political participation in a broad sense, not only expressed in the increasing degree of social mobilization and the role taken by the political-social organizations, unions and other expressions of popular field, but also higher levels of participation and involvement of people in general and youth in particular. In this respect, 2010 was a year that has shown that young people are organizing increasingly higher levels of conviction, who wants to lead the transformation, which does not conform to the given thinking as it is. But above all, reminds us that any attempt to transform and improve the country, the continent and why not the world we live in, have to be given to the participation of youth and vigor of renewal.

The Board Front we are building for almost 3 years, is one of the expressions generational change and participation vocation to which we referred above. The five groups that make up the same, we are twinned, more beyond the differences and characteristics that define us as such, similar characterizations about the need to transform the political culture from the left, calling into question forms and logic of construction that we consider wrong and backward thinking when a true process transformer according to the new winds that blow across our continent. With this perspective we consider necessary to rebuild a student movement is at the height of the processes that are currently taking, and able to intervene in the situation from its own particularity, and historically it has been able to do in countries like ours.

For this reason, we give the task to discuss and disseminate materials that serve to trigger discussions within our power to understanding that is vital to the growth of participation, but also training and reflective practice among students of Philosophy and Letters. We know that the debate neither begins nor ends only with the material to publish a force or a front, but we understand it as a fundamental contribution in a quarter marked by the victory of a conflict that was led by students organized and within the framework of a national situation through more strongly than other years the political life of our faculty and the UBA in general.

National Situation

Néstor Kirchner's death and the massive popular response was generated as a result, stated, among other things, the expectations generated among large sections of the population around decision by the Government of certain measures that could be characterized as progressive, as the new media law, the nationalization of the administrators, the universal child allowance, the strengthening of Latin American unity and an end to impunity laws for genocide yesterday. Obviously, subjects were installed in the media agenda and the daily lives of people that were unthinkable prior to the rebellion of 2001 and the advent of Kirchnnerismo "restorer" of social peace and economic indices.

A painful and infuriating alarm was turned on just a week before this episode: a gang of Association of the Railway Union, led by José Pedraza, Mariano Ferreyra murdered comrade. More harmful sectors where the government has supported and supports, shooting to kill not only a protest against outsourcing and protesters, but against all the sectors of workers, students, unemployed, we have been giving battle to historical claims popular and building up their forces to redouble the bet processing in our country. This crime expresses the limits of a supposedly progressive construction but built on pillars of the most heinous of national policy. Not enough that the State "avoid" escalating repression directly promote open to social conflict, as long as, the continued harboring reactionary sectors as the trade union bureaucracy and lady love lives of many workers, or the whole cohort punteriles the suburban barons and murderers of the same methods.

On the other hand, the death of former President has raised uncertainty about the direction of the apparatus to the disappearance Pejotista who acted as coordinator and balancing of the tensions developed within it. "Agreed between the various groups around the figure of the current president and his great chance of winning in 2011, and will open a fierce battle for succession that could lead to a radicalization of the government of Cristina? We respect the genuine hope that many colleagues have in this second possibility. But while the death of Nestor Kirchner has shown that popular support, and especially the youth sector, there is, for "banking" some progress involving a deepening of a course but played with the popular interest, as other governments of the region have been doing the "liberals k", not only are a minority within the kirchnerismo, but in this terrible episode have closed ranks with the powerful and retrograde back to show that there is no such thing as "the fight from the inside" that (increasingly less) report. The "National Project" will always be intertwined with the local partnership groups and foreign monopolies, the continued looting of our natural assets, the massive insecurity of workers and the persistence of wealth distribution becoming more unequal, support the union bureaucracy and much of the worst of the "old politics." We have already passed by different historical experiences in our country to sustain the political will of the above is usually not very often Condec with that of the bottom.

That is why we think that regardless of how you solve the balances of power within the current National Government by 2011 is essential to strengthen the construction of the reference base and leftist political independent. That is, a left rooted in the basic construction, with the vocation of unity and coordination with other sectors of the broad masses. A new left that is capable of escaping the ridiculous leveling between Macri and Kirchner without compromising their independence political left not a hug with the Rural Society, Mirtha Legrand, Clarín or Lilith Carrió to show, paradoxically, how opposition and left it. We need to build anything other than a Gorilla Left , if not hesitate to confront the right question.

In this regard, we believe there is an emphasis on the false dichotomy Kirchnerism or Antikirchnerismo (as if all the bad guys were on one side and all the other good), but to identify which specific enemies and build enough power to move forward, together with those of the popular sectors, with a genuine vocation processing without loosing the political autonomy and the ability to accumulate power from the ground, but without becoming a cult completely out of specific conflicts which have marked our society, and major disputes in which also played many times, the people's interests .

But especially for us college students, the great figure of the year is the political visibility gained by the student movement and youth in general, which had the most recent expressions to the famous estudiantazo and putting the government in check Macri but that is manifested in various fields, such as union, from the emergence of new unions critical of the old bureaucracy. In this context, the task of building an independent political tool, counter-hegemonic and popular, so delegated falls on us. Are the challenges of our generation to leave the magic recipe, the programs "advanced" "avant" self-proclaimed and away from our people. Building a new political alternative, mass-minded, from bottom left: This is the great challenge that we seek help from the Board.

The Youth in absentia

In the last year the political and social reality of the country was shaken by the emergence of youth in the public arena. Several facts were charting the political course in recent times, with young people directly involved and central or having at least a prominent role in almost all of them. The central phenomenon that accounts for this eruption is the estudiantazo policy, the student revolt led by high school students that shook the government of Macri and then spread throughout different areas of education from distant corners of the country. This is a process that can be tracked since 2008, gaining a new impetus earlier this year in the area of \u200b\u200bcapital high schools. In some schools such as Mariano Acosta, Julio Cortázar or Normal one, began to organize the fight. Then came the shots of the establishments, which are spread dozens of schools that own or solidarity demands folded, forming a strong and active movement. These struggles followed the taking of Social and Filo at UBA IUNA (which continues to this day taken), EMPA, and tertiary as Joaquín V González and Mariano Acosta. Eventually spread beyond the suburbs and the capital of the province of Cordoba, where the taking of Humanities lasted forty days. The reasons the many struggles over. Edilicias sticking demands: overcrowding, falling off roofs, lack of gas, etc, which unfortunately are incorporated into the geographies of education. Claims also was present the validity of the titles and content of curricula, grants no or insufficient, and the rejection of the repression and the criminalization of protest. This picture shows how varied policies ranging from privatization, increased funding for private education and the abandonment of the public and promotes Macri, to choke the budget and generating their own resources and acceptance business resources (La Alumbrera for example) to put the public without privatizing the service of capital, as the national government and other provincial governments are constantly besieged public education. At the same time young people are evidence that we are at the forefront of the fight for their rights, their autonomy and secular, free, and quality.

This rebellion while all the macrismo hit and liked a lot the Plaza de Mayo in a historic mobilization, gave a huge boost to the student movement that proved to be up and more alive than ever, getting a good deal of the claims raised, representing the most important victory since the return of democracy. This was made possible by the extensive participation that existed from the foundation, with an important organization that facilitated the discussion and decision-making assemblies, and an articulation of the struggles that in many cases was effective at the same time that could be achieved in some support from teachers, school authorities and parents. Another key factor was the various control schemes were implemented, exhausting all means of dialogue with the authorities first, then displaying a creative and furious in a wide range of methods: shots, cuts, marches, artistic interventions in the streets. Always giving priority to collective discussion and coordination mandated from the grassroots. Finally, the dispute was also crucial in the media. The kids came with everything to stop the media campaign against the struggle, playing face to face with the ombudsmen of the media oligopolies and won the battle for public opinion, which was completed by tilting in favor of estudiantazo.

probably take much to build a massive student movement as we want and need in the struggle for the liberation of the country and the continent, but this experience we learned a lot from our struggles and especially the example set by the youngest among youth. This new generation takes to the streets to fight for education, without fear or hesitation, he grew up between the barricades, marches, and picketing cacerolazos that rocked the country during 2001. These kids show you the entire society that flame of rebellion is alive and burn again for a moment like in those days, that we should not resign or accept that another company is possible, and that the only way to change is the struggle The organization and political independence.

And Filo? Filo

estudiantazo also starred ... were 31 days of making a claim clearly: a building for everyone who does not have fee-spaces, which is connected to all floors and has nursery school and university dining , for it was essential the work done since 2008 by the budget committee that generated the necessary inputs to provide a dispute in the best conditions, a pre building project did make clear the intentions of management to prioritize areas tariffs. The 31 days of fighting were marked by mass meetings, public classes and self-managed by the students themselves, commissions such as commercialization, and self-LES-CONEAU knowledge. In short, much work base and active participation to finally get them to sign a board resolution at a mass meeting in the 218, where watched the student claims.

on the process and as part of it, from The Board characterized the struggle we face is long winded and at the stage where we needed a fast and effective blow. Management maneuvers and some tepid tactical decisions promoted by certain sectors widened the way to a meeting where they come face to face with the management (not their puppets, but with the same puppeteer). However, we make them feel the weight of a favorable balance of forces and force them to surrender. We also saw with some concern that the demand for student dye took time and risk to exclude the rest of the cloisters. We reaffirm that the University if we are going to change between all the players we're at it, apart from the rest of the cloister can be a dangerous trend.

Finally, the 31 days also brought to the fore the crisis of a student center model based on empty slogans and self-representation. Evidence of this was that driving the CEFYL was sidelined for the coordination of assemblies from the first week, as well as the false dichotomy between gender-CEFYL student center, and assembly. Without going any further, the committees were formed and continue to operate today are identified as commissions of the assembly, but not the center. When the student center is identified only by the space management (copy and bar) or when the identity of it is that of the group or organization that leads the guild functionality is forgotten. Therefore it is necessary to create an identity that allows the center to contain the militants CEFYL activism, not being part of driving, are organized in their guild. And we can do this only with the democratization Center. We must form a body of delegates that will promote discussions at all the courses and encourage greater participation space, strengthening the committees and all initiatives that can open doors to allow a greater number of students feel part of something now seems to be split from the majority.

The self-representation is not the focus of our daily work as counselors in this first year on the Board. Examples of this were the regular open meetings with counselors urge. We know that the struggle in this area will be unevenly until we democratize the organs of co-government. However, we need not be denied as a body because that is where end defining claims. As demonstrated in our last fight, with the student movement and creating a favorable correlation of forces we can achieve great things. During this year as counselors we advance several issues involving start democratizing knowledge. So the projects presented and approved as the limitation of foreign language literature, compulsory recording of all theorists, the possibility of all races make comments Teaching practices and popular in high schools or other non-formal experiences , the equivalence of language and choice of directors during my school career are steps that allow us to start building a different university, a university secular, free, scientific and serve the people.

The University Village is painted

The political situation within the UBA has undergone several changes, at least at the student-faculty in recent times. The left regained the leadership of two centers of the hands of radical pan-governing university. The triumph of Pharmacy and Medical Biochemistry and pose a clear advance on the left, a development that had already been expressed in the victory in the elections of our federation, for the first time, groups that make up The Board accessed the co-chairmanship of the FUBA, with the intention of starting to walk the long road of re-foundation of our union tools also regional level.

In line with this objective, since the new leadership of the FUBA urge various initiatives such as self-management Products Fair and the first edition of the Freedom Chair Our America. These two, quite representative of what we think should be a guild tool: we must articulate social movements beyond attending a march or contribution to a fund to fight; union tool we want really aims at organizing these sectors, we see the transformation of the university as a whole task of the masses. also think that our guild tools (either the centers or the federation) must be a serious policy regarding the production of knowledge, an issue that from The Board thought that runs parallel to the struggles of such union. Building a strong student movement that can influence the general political situation can not occur only through the uncritical luchismo exhausting and sometimes naturalize in the UBA. We must fight, but we must reflect on our struggles and, above all, we aim to give the dispute over the meaning, the role of the university: what knowledge is produced, who produces and who . counterhegemony is necessary to build in the field of knowledge production and do it collectively.

However, we must not forget that the end of last year and the beginning of 2010 we met again face the choice of our president is illegitimate, but again without a choice but to oppose. From The Board always insist on the need to build processes of struggle: the conflict is not assembly, walking, shooting and concentration. These are measures often necessary but not sufficient by themselves. is essential to build the processes of struggle, debate collectively pursue our demands to give substance and above all give some serious work ahead of construction of those claims. A process is one that emerges victorious from the grassroots and mass participation of all of us , is one that leaves aside the pettiness that sometimes naturalize to propose an open and frank discussion with the whole school community and, finally, is victorious to the extent that we draw us a clear strategy to get what we want. In this regard, include processes that occurred in natural and social. We

important to recover the experiences of these other two schools because we believe we can learn from them. Exact was told in no accreditation of undergraduate courses to CONEAU. But the main thing is the process, enriching it is to see how they came to that. Dean Aliaga you had to thumb down its own proposal at a Board session at the auditorium, not because of an abrupt change of mind on their part, but the pressure generated by a process of collective discussion between teachers and students on the implications of crediting their careers to an organization such as the pro market CONEAU. That's the kind of process of struggle that we demand from the Board, a process of struggle that does not favor the measure by the measure itself, but the work, discussion and mobilization as a corollary of a previous process.
's case is typical in both building industry deals with the issue, a theme in vogue for those who study or work in the UBA and therefore involves a walk that has already been nearly 14 years. The path includes the collection of faculty, the rector and the Ministry of Education. Through several deans, rectors and pipes of the student center and the federation. And leaving us as balance is the importance of organization and mobilization of the movement Student, the still under-construction-of a new student center, a center organized and participatory, with a body of delegates and identity exceeding the organizations that lead was what allowed between alia, that the student movement of CECS is more massive than ever. And as the movement's strength is given by the overwhelming majority of our faculty have in college, these were also factors that led to victory.

In walked all this way we need to draw some conclusions and tasks for the stage that we face as a movement. We have said: the best way to fight is proposing It is in this sense that we consider important to deepen discussions on the current university model and the one before us today requires as necessary. Discussions about the Higher Education Act, the accreditation CONEAU and democratization of our co-government bodies are debates that have been and about which we as students should position ourselves. The issue of democratization, as we said earlier this year, is a central theme as the rest of our claims (the budget issue here is a clear example) have their roots in university cogobierno undemocratic turn is well regulated by the Education Act Superior force.

But democratization, in our view, exceeds the co-governance; must also point to the democratization of knowledge in pursuit of rethinking and redefining the future role as critical intellectuals want to take within our society. rethought, ultimately, as university students and re-discuss and update the political context in which we operate. The reform process of the open curriculum in many careers of our faculty acquire thus crucial.

To have an impact on these processes we express reestablish our student center. We want a CEFyL self-identity, participatory CEFyL, organized from below, from the grassroots, from the courses ... CEFyL not to separate a guild as academics, they are two sides of the same struggle: to transform our university and contributing to social change. We want a new center, a new federation, a new model of union tool and pointing really serious about building another university model with all the cloisters and the whole of the masses. A central point to the university, in the words of Che, "is painted black, mulatto being painted, that is painted of workers and peasants, the university town is painted" .

Attempted coup in Ecuador and elections in Venezuela
Building popular power for the unity of our America.

Throughout the decade is ending, the unity between the peoples of our America grew to the length and breadth of this land. The defeat of the imperial plans of the FTAA, Bush was strong and the model of "carnal relations" and the bilateral free trade was reduced to a minority of reactionary governments among which are those of Peru, Colombia, Mexico or Chile. The formation of UNASUR, ALBA or the emergence of Mercosur continuity are at the highest political expression of a composite superstructure is being built also from below. The different peoples of our continent are communicating vessels crossed by multiple, sometimes visible and sometimes not, by those who pass the same suffering and hope of freedom. So as the century began with a string of popular revolts sometimes shared to the same slogans and social subjects, similar claims that were giving rise to processes of struggle and transformation of reality that identify themselves and recognize brothers . Indigenous unemployed, landless peasants, workers, students, women, we all are learning to put ourselves in the suffering and the power struggle of Our America, in the tradition of more than 500 years of resistance and confrontation with oppression.

Right at first was put out of play by popular mobilization, but over the years, supported and funded by the United States and decided to reclaim the privileges he considers his forever. The establishment of the new Yankee bases in Colombia, the coup in Honduras and the reactivation of the U.S. Fourth Fleet, among other measures, are evidence of the intentions of the classes Key allies of imperialism.

The failed coup attempt in Ecuador, happily confronted by popular mobilization is a new expression of the criminal act of imperialism and the conservative right. The severity of this attack we added the concern that part of the left has supported: not only linked to Maoism Ecuadorian colonel Lucio Gutierrez, but also the indigenous movement Pachakutik, while sectors such as Latin American Trotskyism and Socialist Left PTS interpreted the coup attempt was not so (what would have said if some of the bullets that hit in the body and glass Correa's car killing one of his bodyguards would have killed him?) and even in some cases interpreted the situation as a just struggle of the police mutinied against government setting !!??) (¿¿¡¡ revival soy .

Regardless of the valuation we have on the figure of President Correa and his policies, particularly the recent stimulus plans of agribusiness and large-scale mining that led him to confront important social sectors such as indigenous peoples organized in Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, we believe that the condemnation of the coup attempt should be unconditional by of popular forces and the left.

Another popular advanced processes of the continent is the Venezuelan people, led by Hugo Chávez. This time, at the institutional level, the right managed to reposition itself in legislative elections, unlike what the media published monopoly on the continent (Clarín and La Nación in our country), he gave yet another electoral victory to Chavez PSUV. That said, I must say that observers unsuspected pro-imperialist interests, such as Modesto Guerrero, Chavez interpreted difficulties to achieve an absolute majority in the legislature (that was the aim of the PSUV) as an expression the limitations of the construction Chavez. When Hugo Chávez is no direct candidate are visible careerists Village, Bolibourgeois or corruption that are punished by popular vote. Is that the Bolivarian process, one of the references required for all socialist activists of our continent, it also presents all the contradictions of popular travel. In Venezuela, in a very favorable, the bet is for the construction of popular power and socialism.

The different groups that make up the Board feel part of this kaleidoscope of struggles that roam our continent. With the nuances and differences of each that all this energy we control can be lived in our school.

9 reasons to bet change

  1. Because we are a front to build more than two years together, did not join just for elections
  2. Because we want to build another university model and believe that change starts with our own practices.
  3. Because we see the union and academic policy as part of the same dispute: Transforming our university.
  4. bet Because democratization of all areas, bodies of co-government, the Student Center and the production of knowledge.
  5. Because we refound our student center: We do not want CEFyL CEFyL-Flag or a this or that group. We want a participatory CEFyL of all students, democratic and political identity and own that go beyond the organization that leads.
  6. Because we
  7. the dispute on the Boards and the Council on projects and initiatives. With a policy that exceeds the return.
  8. Because we believe that change is built inside and outside the UBA, coordinating with neighborhood organizations, cultural, etc. Popular Field.
  9. We are the Left that to fight the Government clings to Clarín, La Nazione, Lilith and the Rural Society Carrió
  10. We are THE LEFT AND INDEPENDENT ALTERNATIVE, we fight every day collectively a more just society.