11 and December 12. Faculty of Social Sciences University of Buenos Aires
The beginning of a shared path
A little more than a year some dozens of organizations we were in Lanús, Buenos Aires, with a shared conviction it was necessary to begin a journey of articulation, based on our basic constructions, would be orientated towards the putting in place an anti-capitalist political alternative. We knew that such task was to deal, at this juncture, a policy of "top". But we knew that this attempt would require the expansion and deepening of the debate between "lower" to settle accounts with our own mistakes and weaknesses, seeking criticize and overcome dogmatic ideas and practices, vertical and sectarian lines, rooted in the traditional left Argentina. Today COMPA (Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina) , a few days of completing their first year of life , brings together local authorities, cultural, student, environmental, labor, education, groups political comrades in Jujuy, La Rioja, Tucumán, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Córdoba, San Luis, San Juan, Mendoza, Formosa, Chaco, Black River, Neuquén, Buenos Aires and the Federal Capital. The slow but steady growth, both in deepening the basic experience and political agreements reached, as the incorporation of new / as brothers and sisters, we are very optimistic and we mark a way forward against the endemic fragmentation suffered by the masses.
At this time we have a number of consensus building and a shared vision on key elements of national policy. The popular uprising was not an isolated event but the highest peak of a rising popular struggles which lasted until mid-2002, which was able to turn to a government but unable to propose an alternative to the political crisis itself. This crisis was helmed by the Justice Party which led to a devaluation and led to the president Nestor Kirchner, who could temper popular mobilization, he tried to expropriate some of our flags, while policies promoted fragmentation and / or co-optation of the sectors popular. Seven years later your assumption is clear that Kirchner does not conform to their place of "fireman", but seeks to perpetuate itself in power and would not hesitate to deal with its allies just yesterday. To build their own power Kichnerismo appeals to the conflicting gestures, pushing on one side impact measures undoubtedly popular as the Media Act or the universal child allowance, while making concessions to large foreign and domestic economic groups, ensures business of the multinational mining and strengthen relations with the U.S. State Department, to name just a few examples. This has led to some bias against big business sectors and the political opposition right to demand that the Kichnerismo that after the services, to step aside to be replaced by a more predictable state guidance and populist gesture stripped of all. Another
analysis than deserves the support of labor flexibility as the main strategy of companies and governments to break the working class, weakening it and making progress on rights won through years of struggle. Complicity of most of the union bureaucracy and politics, including Kirchner and many others in the 90 were with Menem and now appear as if none of that happened. Not just a ballast 90. On the contrary, Kirchner government 7 years have done nothing to change this situation. For beyond the speeches and some policies targeted no political decision to promote another model and union labor.
Our country also boasts of historical economic growth rates in China and exponential gains, while the hunger situation in each of the neighborhoods persists and grows worse. Growth at the expense of poverty of vast sectors of our people, meager budgets for education, health, housing and other needs of the people are absolutely insufficient.
analysis than deserves the support of labor flexibility as the main strategy of companies and governments to break the working class, weakening it and making progress on rights won through years of struggle. Complicity of most of the union bureaucracy and politics, including Kirchner and many others in the 90 were with Menem and now appear as if none of that happened. Not just a ballast 90. On the contrary, Kirchner government 7 years have done nothing to change this situation. For beyond the speeches and some policies targeted no political decision to promote another model and union labor.
Our country also boasts of historical economic growth rates in China and exponential gains, while the hunger situation in each of the neighborhoods persists and grows worse. Growth at the expense of poverty of vast sectors of our people, meager budgets for education, health, housing and other needs of the people are absolutely insufficient.
is in the context of polarization prior ruling, we face the challenge (and opportunity) to build a truly popular choice across the different variants of the system policy. The strength to build this alternative is in the works: thousands of activists across the country folk are holding the flags of radical social change, many organizations have created spaces that are laboratories of gestation of resistance and alternatives autonomous territorial organizations, businesses recovered, struggling farmers, the workers who are organized into democratic unions and fight for their demands, and the list is endless. These experiences, that Kirchner has endeavored to suppress, are co-opting or weaken the material in a still more potential than this, alternative release.
However, it is necessary that the capitalist will and conviction to be accompanied by a reflection on the specific conditions that we must develop counter-hegemonic struggle. It is clear that Kirchner has managed to build a complex political scenario, which aims to snatch symbols and flags, and we must respond intelligently to not end up going with the Rural Society and singing along with Lilith Carrio. How? No one has the formula and probably will remain a debate in the years to come, what is clear is that the situation poses dangers not only us but also the opportunity to build a new left.
However, it is necessary that the capitalist will and conviction to be accompanied by a reflection on the specific conditions that we must develop counter-hegemonic struggle. It is clear that Kirchner has managed to build a complex political scenario, which aims to snatch symbols and flags, and we must respond intelligently to not end up going with the Rural Society and singing along with Lilith Carrio. How? No one has the formula and probably will remain a debate in the years to come, what is clear is that the situation poses dangers not only us but also the opportunity to build a new left.
On this basis, on the accumulation of experiences of movement and our people all understand that the current stage we search for ways to raise the confluence of various experience base we have been building models away from the traditional partisan left.
The COMPA expresses an intent to take on this challenge from a portion of the heterogeneous network left organizations independent or autonomous. At its heart are a rich accumulation of experiences, social creations, which are an unavoidable starting point of the struggles to come. The rejection of a finished program or ideology shielded itself is one of the common denominators of this space. However, their thinking and their social and political practice are drawn and a number of key ideas that are taken up by a number of groups with different characteristics. On this basis
try to develop different areas of intervention:
- The fight against hunger and precariousness of life.
- The defense of public education. The fight for public education, critical, and emancipatory popular.
- For a new unionism. Against street gangs and mafias union building from the ground, in every workplace.
- The defense of popular sovereignty, encouraging direct democracy and participatory as the only way to guarantee the defense of the interests and wishes of the people, fighting the privileges and impunity of the powerful.
- The struggle for women's rights and gender equality. For sex education to decide, Non-abortion contraception, legal abortion to avoid death.
- Combating looting model and pollution. On a national project with food sovereignty.
- The fight against the criminalization of poverty and social protest. For the freedom of political prisoners and activists accused based popular. Trial and punishment by Mariano Ferreyra and clarification of the repression of Community Spring, Formosa.
- The struggle of indigenous peoples to defend their territories and cultures from a multicultural and intercultural solidarity determination.
- The struggle against imperialism and all forms of oppression and fragmentation of our Latin American peoples. Promoting the unity of the peoples beyond the borders of states.
These struggles are part of a global struggle against capitalism and for a new society. In this fight is compromised COMPA. The particular situation of our continent, the epicenter of resistance to the predatory logic of capitalism and the construction of new alternatives is a central reference point.
The COMPA intended as a contribution to the construction of a tool anti-capitalist, imperialist and anti-patriarchal. We around a spectrum of thousands of colleagues who participate in union, student, territorial, cultural group, gender, organizations and socio-environmental assemblies urban and rural, peasant organizations, indigenous communities, intellectual areas, which are renewing the counter-thought and practice in our country. With the learners to discuss and try to forge unity and organization. They / as is also addressed our call.
11 and December 12, beginning at 9 am, will be held the Second National Meeting of the COMPANY in the City of Buenos Aires (Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA). A new opportunity to come together to discuss, reflect and continue adding wills on this path of unity.
In the same bet the debate to new projections by the complexity that we face the national political map. Try to nurture consensus on two points: first, from the joint discussion on the basis of areas of intervention, such as Education, Trade, and Environmental Commons, Territorial, Gender, Communication and Culture, and Rural. In a second time from a multi-sectoral debate, analyze the political situation, both nationally and Latin America.
discussions understand that both enrich our agreements, will power our practices and contribute to the strengthening of trust built between the organizations that compose the COMPA today, and also open challenge to all those who sit in the way of cementing struggles and journey together. The COMPA intended as a contribution to the construction of a tool anti-capitalist, imperialist and anti-patriarchal. We around a spectrum of thousands of colleagues who participate in union, student, territorial, cultural group, gender, organizations and socio-environmental assemblies urban and rural, peasant organizations, indigenous communities, intellectual areas, which are renewing the counter-thought and practice in our country. With the learners to discuss and try to forge unity and organization. They / as is also addressed our call.
11 and December 12, beginning at 9 am, will be held the Second National Meeting of the COMPANY in the City of Buenos Aires (Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA). A new opportunity to come together to discuss, reflect and continue adding wills on this path of unity.
In the same bet the debate to new projections by the complexity that we face the national political map. Try to nurture consensus on two points: first, from the joint discussion on the basis of areas of intervention, such as Education, Trade, and Environmental Commons, Territorial, Gender, Communication and Culture, and Rural. In a second time from a multi-sectoral debate, analyze the political situation, both nationally and Latin America.
fight for change history. The victory is not written, nor is it inevitable, but we increasingly are working to conquer.
Faculty of Social (UBA): Marcelo T. de Alvear 2230 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
To get there:
From Retiro or Constitution: take the subway line C to Diagonal Norte station. There is combined with line D (Station in July) and travels to the next Congress of Tucumán to Station Medical School. Cost of trip: $ 1.10.
For Collective : Lines 12, 39, 41, 60, 61, 95, 101, 106, 109, 111, 118, 152.
organized and convened
(Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina)
Jujuy Frente Popular Darío Santillán
Popular Front
Campo Quijano La Rioja La Rioja
Front People's Organization (FROP). Tucumán
TIERRHA (Work for the Integration of a Space of Resistance and Reconstruction of Habitat); Crusades: Feminist Collective organization and diversity; Frente Popular Darío Santillán, PRO-ECO environmental organization in the ASANOA, Pangea: Cooperative Self-managed Work, JAT: Youth Anarchist
Buenos Aires
Neighborhood Assembly of Beccar; Open Chair of American Studies, Cultural Center of Workers, Murga The Doodles of Oil, and the Collective of Popular Education in Prison "Atrapamuros" ; Cooperative Popular Educators and Researchers (CEIP) Frente Popular Darío Santillán, Juventud Rebelde, December 20 (La Mella, Wolf Loose, The Trifulca) Stokers People's Organization; Socialism Libertarian Culture House Horizon Compadres.
Santa Fe Frente Popular Darío Santillán
, Libertarian Socialism.
Entre Ríos Teachers' unions
AGMER Córdoba Moves
Córdoba, Frente Popular Darío Santillán, Libertarian Socialism.
San Luis
Frente Popular Darío Santillán. San Juan
Retamo, Clay
Colectivo La Minga, The Mirror, The Otherness anticapitalist feminist organization, organization of Landless Rural Workers Lavalle (otherlist).
Frente Popular Darío Santillán. Chaco
Open Chair of American Studies; Front Popular Darío Santillán, The Other Voice.
High Black River Valley and Neuquén Frente Popular Darío Santillán
(Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina)
Jujuy Frente Popular Darío Santillán
Popular Front
Campo Quijano La Rioja La Rioja
Front People's Organization (FROP). Tucumán
TIERRHA (Work for the Integration of a Space of Resistance and Reconstruction of Habitat); Crusades: Feminist Collective organization and diversity; Frente Popular Darío Santillán, PRO-ECO environmental organization in the ASANOA, Pangea: Cooperative Self-managed Work, JAT: Youth Anarchist
Buenos Aires
Neighborhood Assembly of Beccar; Open Chair of American Studies, Cultural Center of Workers, Murga The Doodles of Oil, and the Collective of Popular Education in Prison "Atrapamuros" ; Cooperative Popular Educators and Researchers (CEIP) Frente Popular Darío Santillán, Juventud Rebelde, December 20 (La Mella, Wolf Loose, The Trifulca) Stokers People's Organization; Socialism Libertarian Culture House Horizon Compadres.
Santa Fe Frente Popular Darío Santillán
, Libertarian Socialism.
Entre Ríos Teachers' unions
AGMER Córdoba Moves
Córdoba, Frente Popular Darío Santillán, Libertarian Socialism.
San Luis
Frente Popular Darío Santillán. San Juan
Retamo, Clay
Colectivo La Minga, The Mirror, The Otherness anticapitalist feminist organization, organization of Landless Rural Workers Lavalle (otherlist).
Frente Popular Darío Santillán. Chaco
Open Chair of American Studies; Front Popular Darío Santillán, The Other Voice.
High Black River Valley and Neuquén Frente Popular Darío Santillán
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