Monday, December 20, 2010

Heart Rate Up Arm Numb


to march PLAZA DE MAYO
Two months after the killing of Mariano Ferreira. A 9-year December 20, 2001. Many things have changed, but from the various State Governments is still qualified to popular needs and represses usurping bullets d and the security forces or bureaucracy association (such as barracks, Formosa, Soldati and many sites). A the poor, the underdog are accused of wanting land, housing, a job that is not subordinated to the pointer. It looks at as suspects c hen want end the insecurity. And if that not enough surface new racism against our brothers and sisters in Latin America, which goes hand in hand with all that smells of poor, precarious and excluded.
We are part of those workers mestizos, Indians, blacks and whites of Our America to seek work, study, have a home or land that have been stolen and that we organize in our workplaces democratically our rights. And we fight jointly to be a little bit for everyone, and not much for some.

So many organizations on Monday to call us again to march to Plaza May and remember the uprising of 19 and 20, 2001. In those days, in cities across the country, thousands of people assume our role and took to the streets. Tired of suffering the misery, repression, injustice and the growing loss of rights we yelling Stop!

Ezekiel (Libertarian Socialism): 1537562529
Federico Orchani (Front Darío Santillán) 155489-1374

What will everyone! was the cry that more was heard. Owners power not stand idly by and repression was fierce. Nearly 40 people nationwide (all on the side of town) was the outcome of those bloody days. But the uprising was a turning point. As in other countries of Our America, ended the monologue of the policies framed by the Washington Consensus. No one could govern just stepping on the majority.

But make no mistake. We are far from a country with justice for the popular sectors. Our elders, having contributed all his life, still receiving pensions misery. The national government says there is no money for pensioners, either for a housing plan scope to the entire homeless population, there is no money to cooperatives without pointers throughout the country while making the payment of 7000 million dollars to Paris Club loan sharks. Ministries do little to put an end to the thirst for corporate profits, much less to end outsourcing and other forms of precarious employment.

So 9 years of 19 and 20/10: ending impunity and repression
Judgement and Punishment of the political leaders of the murders of 19 and 20 December 2001, policy makers of the slaughter of Avellaneda, those responsible for planning and policy co Soldati homeless.

Urgent implementation of development plans and housing for all.

Trial and punishment of all bureaucracy Pedraza, UGOFE the bosses and the police for the killing of Mariano Ferreyra. Go to the permanent staff of all outsourced. Enough of precarious labor.

Trial and punishment of the murderers of Robert Lopez in Formosa. Removal and Gildo Insfran prison. Restitution of land to the peasants. Enough mining and agro-export model.

Come together in the streets to fight against impunity and for all our rights.

Let deepening grassroots organization and building the unity of the peoples of our America.

COMPA (Coordinator of Popular Organizations and Movements Argentina - Buenos Aires Reg) : Frente Popular Darío Santillán; Juventud Rebelde December 20th-The Nick, Wolf Loose, The Trifulca, "OP stokers, Libertarian Socialism, CEIP; Open Chair of American Studies; Neighborhood Assembly of Beccar, C. Cultural Workers logs; Murga doodles of Oil; Collective of Popular Education in Prison "Atrapamuros" Compadres House Cultural Horizon, Space Chico Mendes.


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