Friday, December 10, 2010

Angelika Cebulla Pyskowice

Begin the re-foundation! Neighbors continue

By way of balance

week this year's election was no more, given the confluence of several factors: recent elections of the entire UBA in the last week of classes, with a very big dispute and polarization among the top three fronts. This contributed to the campaign out of the parameters in (a) normally used. who built together every day as we were amazed that we live in these days Filo. Not only for the profusion of propaganda, but also by the level of hostility that had many discussions in the hallways.

This is one of the central questions from the Board we would like to change. While participating in the discussions and take care of making visible our proposal, those who know us know that our commitment is not political, we do not like the subjugation or understatement to all the students, who at times to involve discussion on the door same dark room.

Beyond those issues, it is noteworthy that the general framework in which these elections were none other than the one with youth as an unavoidable character of the political and militant of our country. However, there is surprising-for good-the high amount of people who voted for the Student Center. That's why we want to thank these 6584 people, beyond the list who voted, despite the non-compulsory voting, have understood that his decision was transcendent. The vote, especially when it is so massive, and the intervention in any assembly or committee, is another way to participate in political life from our guild tool. Since we have been marking the Board as the linchpin to initiate a process of re-foundation of our center and building a strong and renewed student movement, the role of students. We have great expectations that this decision we have made will be the beginning of the remaking of CEFYL.

Moreover, we are infinitely grateful to all colleagues who supported us, encouraged us and helped us during the election campaign, either militarily with us, controlling, or just showing their support and affection. His contribution was essential to achieve our goal, this win is as much his as ours.

Some perspectives

The remaking of downtown involves the construction of a new model that can hold all students, a CEFyL consider participation as a fundamental tool by which strengthened as an association, a center with an own identity and politics, beyond ideology of the organization that leads, a CEFyL that could give the dispute guild level, academic and cultural.

But we want to build this new CEFyL ourselves. Reaffirm: CEFyL did not want a unique block, but we do not want one only to the IADB. is why we call on all groups, commissions, clustered and nonclustered students to build with us, contribute ideas, criticisms and whatever is in pursuit of a goal that we believe we have in common: the reconstruction of a strong student movement, organized, creative and combative, able to establish itself as a political actor of weight that can influence the political and social reality of the country, tending strong links with social movements and the working people. A center that is capable of articulating a student group with autonomous capacity for action to combat the regressive policies of the rector and the national government, and humbly make a project of University Village and for the people.

center for all students, to organize to fight and fight to win.

Sumate, do not you tell it!

Begin the re-foundation!

The Board
New Driving CEFyL
"The future is ours by working arrogance"


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