In recent months he lived an intense resistance to the adoption of the draft Provincial Education Act 8113 . Finally, on Wednesday 15 December, the state's coercive forces did their work: n Repression against students, parents and teachers was the note of color after the adoption of the new law.
L @ s students: processes of organization and resistance
The process of resistance to the passage of this law began months ago when @ s high school students organized to reject both the spirit and the body of the draft law, which was conceived with clerical and business sectors in the province of Cordoba, among other actors, excluding students, parents and teachers.
After several weeks of footage in more than 25 secondary schools , l @ s @ s college students we merge it to fight for education for the people, adding their own demands of student movement as worthy building conditions for the courses, scholarships and childcare for l @ s hij @ s of students.
This process of independent, with footage of Faculties, mass meetings, workshops and productions collective was hampered openly and even suppressed by the rector of the UNC Management and arms student radical ( Franj to Residence) and kirchneristas ( The Hinge .) As happened in the making process of the UBA, l @ s up showed their concern at the organization s comrades in instances of direct democracy, which put a crisis in their anti-popular representation system.
Beyond its attempts to stifle our ability to transform reality, could not obscure the struggle of hundreds of comrades s. And their strategies were as varied: first, know any requests for meetings in the co-governing bodies, which came to direct repression by the police to leave no sa comrades enter a public meeting in which it was to vote on a pseudo-adherence to harmful bill 8113. On the other hand, those who claimed to defend "democracy" came to unthinkable levels of violence and bullying, through acts in which shots were rejected and defended to the hilt, the mechanisms that had already shown disregard claims l @ s students mechanisms that reflect a flawed and elitist institution such as the UN. C.
Grahovac, clergy, business and UEPC: Education for the people?
But what raised the draft Provincial Education Act 8113? The new education law, approved in Cordoba at the expense of the blood of youth, students and teachers, has little to do with the needs and expectations of years education advocate for social change and popular emancipation.
brand new law in the public schools of Cordoba realize who the sectors of power that are projected in the medium term on the head our youth. If the old law became the exclusion of thousands of young people, the overcrowding of classrooms, in the final fragmentation of the educational path and the total bureaucratization of the system, the new law proposes a period of indoctrination in the techniques and their own senses of capitalist reality and the churches.
Private universities, major business groups in the province, the church and the union bureaucracy found in the table Schiaretti government to liquefy into law the dominant interests of the Cordoba, which grows and organizes only a few.
The internships are also backed with the new legislation. At this point, although we understand the value that involves the practice in the learning process, we understand the laws and regulations have served internships for another thing to generate cheap labor . Among the current internship experience can include customer care Mc Donald's , selling services Call Centers, fuel sales at service stations and many other experiences that far from proposing to @ s students a learning space, laboratories have become indoctrination and underemployment. Unfortunately, nothing that this government has done allows us to believe that the new rules of internships have purposes other than those we already know.
One of the most contentious points is that religious education is now optional in the state public domain. Without discussion and against the XXI century thought , the government decided to re-validate Cordoba in the public sphere a historical narrative that has little to do with the overall development and emancipation of societies .
addition, from now on, l @ s @ s will cordobes of a governmental body, the new Board of Education of Cordoba, which will consist of representatives of Catholic universities and Private as well as representatives of economic sectors in our province . Ell @ s decide on curricula, teaching methods and other public education policies.
As usual in the legal, the rest of the text is intended for the ambiguities and the formalities. In other points, for example, is mentioned among teachers rights, the right to receive a wage, though nowhere semanticizes what is the dignity of a teacher. The bill proposes to extend the number of hours an / a teacher may be responsible (30 to 36), which under the laws of the market will ultimately mean more work for equal pay. Neither refers to the teacher empowerment on the concentration of hours or other mechanism to limit the chances that a teacher working in 10 schools (3 hours each, for example). Nor does it provide the dignity of today's classrooms are overcrowded; not propose quotas for groups, or the creation of more courses and schools. And, obviously, does not refer in any way to @ s auxiliary education.
For adult education @ s, proposes the creation of a special direction, but does not advance anything about a mode that takes more than ten years in the shadows of state planning. not talking about technical education for adult @ s, or the creation of childcare facilities, or scholarships, or stabilize the top jobs.
Neither advances in central questions of the teacher selection, evaluation and accreditation and frees (as before) enabling irresponsible teachers without specific training or educational vocation.
article Neither half of the new law leaves the possibility that the State also recognizes the financial and other early childhood experiences and a half that exist in the province as a popular high schools for adult @ s self-managed primary schools , among others.
Police: missing actor
To pass this law, away from the democratic logic and true to the logic of repression, the government silenced voices Cordoba educational community -those who was never interested in hearing- from the day before the vote, when a group of compañeros @ s who conducted a hunger strike against the proposed 8113 was threatened by a gang PJ. L @ \u200b\u200bs strikers waiting for the announcement of the Legislature to enter the room and read a petition with signatures against the project treatment, but this did not happen because when the punter @ s Group approached the Legislature, the police received orders condescendingly to create a barrier protegiéndol @ s. He then opened the door and entered ell @ s to wash the face and Schiaretti Grahovac, preventing our participation and killing any hope of being heard @ s.
the day of the vote, the repression took classical form, with a balance of 13 detained smite @ s @ s between l @ s who were under old, (@ s were released several hours later, only to pressure from l @ s s hundreds of comrades that we mobilize to Jail Encausados \u200b\u200b(UCA) and not allow to claim for their freedom and a dignified treatment). With rubber bullets, truncheons and a tanker, firefighters and Marine harshly repressed Province @ s students and teachers, in an act of cowardice typical of our "forces of order. " Also curbed freedom of expression of independent media: the s @ s Indymedia comrades were extracted a camera (which was later retrieved by the blows and jerks himself correspondent). All commanded impunity by jef l @ s @ s of those who claim to be protecting.
The consummation of hypocrisy
So it was after months of procrastination, of footage of rallies, debate (real assemblies , Cordoba fictitious parliament), control of students teachers and parents it was time. This Wednesday 15 December, s comrades who had fallen asleep in front of the Legislature and otr @ s behind the fences bet for peace of l @ s @ s legislature began the session. While street voices were silenced, l @ s "people's representatives", prepared to vote after several hours. The cast was a disappointing result approval without major modifications of the infamous Project for 43 to 25. voted for the positive Union for Córdoba (ruling), blocks Kirchner (Concertación Plural militant Peronist Party and the Front for Victory), PRO, Federal Neighborhood Union, the Independent Neighborhood, Neighborhood Action Movement and the Patriotic Movement, in the negative did the UCR, the Civic Front, the Civic Coalition, Socialist Left and the Progressive Front.
It's funny how the caucuses "national and popular" are voting for a time block with the reactionary Peronism that now governs the province (see forest law) and was in charge of repression occurred in the vicinity of the legislative palace. Perhaps this is a sign of an electoral alliance between the two sectors, we should be attentive @ s.
is not anecdotal that the current Minister of Education (primary driver of the Act), Walter Grahovac, has been secretary general of the disastrous UEPC ( Teachers' Union of the Province of Córdoba), guild is far from representing the worker s @ @ s teachers and their participation was stellar as shock troops on the eve of the session and as a key instrument of oppression during the days of debate . Held the same position today Kirchner MP Carmen Nebreda. Today the Secretary General is John Montserrat, always following the line of coherence of its predecessors.
cries education. Once again, corporate interests before those of the people prevailed. Again, the political power shift (with their direct accomplices) was functional repression, business and church.
While already passed in the Legislature Cordoba a mercantilist Provincial Education Act and dogmatic, the struggle continues with the strength of those @ s students, teachers, parents and social organizations held meetings, lectures, forums, rallies and even hunger strikes to denounce this outrage against popular sovereignty.
National Space-Based Student Organizations
AIEEL, Driving EC Languages \u200b\u200bMajority on the Governing Board of the Faculty of Languages, A Córdoba
Scaffolding - Grouping of students, graduates and academics , EC Secretariat General Humanities and Cs, Most Students in the Executive Council, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences-A Coastal
Advanced , School law, UN Mar del Plata
Lacandona Collective, A Center, Tandil
Confluence Faculty of Humanities , A Mar del Plata
Students in the FPDS - FULP Presidency, EC Driving Agriculture and Forestry , CE Veterinary , A La Plata ;
Current Julio Antonio Mella - New President FUBA , General Coordination CE Cs. Social EC Driving Cs. Natural, New Driving CEFyL; Majority FFyL Directing Council, FCSoc, FCEyN, Majority Superior Council, UBA
Loose Lobo Student Organization , Federal Capital
Juan Salvo, Institute Joaquín V. Gonzalez, Federal Capital
Frida - FPDS, Leopoldo Marechal School of Art, La Matanza , Buenos Aires
Bad Education , General Coordination CE Cs. Social Majority on the CD, Fac Cs. Soc - UBA
Grassroots Movement of Agronomy (MBA), Faculty of Agronomy, A Córdoba
Psychology Students Movement (MEPs), CEPs Driving, School of Psychology, A Mar del Plata
The Quay, EC Driving Philosophy and Humanities, majority on the Board of the Faculty of FFyH, A Córdoba
Independent Movement of Agronomy (MIA), Driving CEA A Luján
Santiago Pampillón and El Grito, CE Driving Psychology Driving CE C. Politics and RR.II., majority on the Board of the Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Political Science and International Relations., Minority Board of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts and Veterinary Sciences, Minority High Council A Rosario.
Libertarian Socialism, General Coordination CE Cs. Social Driving New CEFyL, UBA
Libertarian Socialism, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, UN Rosario